05 May 2013

The Beauty of an Herb

Do you see this beautiful flower bed?  It sits next to the Smithsonian castle in Washington D.C.  Sure, the tulips were past their prime today, but I had to capture this beauty of a border, this lush and inviting green. 

I didn't expect to see it here, so ornamental you'd forget you could chop off the whole plant and eat it.  I pondered all day how if there were so many people visiting the nation's capitol, it was entirely possible I could run into an old friend.  I just didn't expect that friend to be a sweet curvy row of parsley.


  1. I always thought parsley was such a bold, glamorous herb.

    The book *All-in-One Garden* by Graham Rice is illustrated by many beautiful photographs showcasing the beauty of 'utilitarian' plants.

    1. I will tuck that title away and attempt to come across it sometime. :). It sounds wonderful!

  2. WOW, that was totally unexpected, but beautiful too!

    1. I thought so too--and my poor photo hardly does it justice!


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