29 April 2013

The Coast of Maine: Portland Headlight

Maybe you grew up with a love for the ocean like I did.  Maybe your mother started taking you there before you were born like mine did.  Maybe you've been dreaming of seeing some particular coast for a long time, like I have been.

But even if you're like our friend who had the gall to stand on this beautiful breathtaking shore and say he'd rather be near a river any day and the ocean just isn't that exciting, you're still welcome on my blog.
Even though I won't begin to know how to understand that.

Because I could spend hours and days and weeks and forever on the ocean shore, staring at the water and making friends with another barnacle.  Barnacle has always been one of my favorite words.

So it was with great and unutterable delight that going on tour with my husband's high school choir and handbell ensemble took me straight to a place I've been desiring to see for years. 

The coast of Maine.  With lighthouse.  And sunshine.


Greetings, fellow climbers! Leave your marks on the steps--I'll be delighted to hear from you.