26 September 2013

Tomato Leaves Curling (Overwatering)

A few days ago, we noticed some distressing signs in our tomato seedlings:  curling leaves, as if they were overheated or dehydrated, and one plant just about giving up on life and falling over in its box.

Afraid we might lose the dear creatures, we diligently searched online for a solution.  And guess what!  We were actually watering them too much.  Enough!  Enough!  They seemed to scream.

In our gardening eagerness, we had both been watering the little guys when we walked past, admiring their newborn beauty.  It had become like having too many cooks salt the peas.  Fortunately for the plants and for us, however, we chose the right experiment and decided not to water them until we were quite certain they were dried out.  Now, the newer leaves (on most of the plants, the first sets of leaves that truly look like tomato leaves) are coming out looking much healthier than the first sets of baby leaves.

So for our future reference, and maybe your edification as well, here are the things that should have tipped us off we were giving them too much water.
  1. Tiny mushrooms were beginning to sprout along with the tomatoes.
  2. The leaves began curling, without purple on the back (which some gardeners we read said would be indicative of a phosphorus deficiency), and without dry soil.

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