03 June 2012

When You're a Choir Family, Christmas Starts Now

When you sing in choir, or play in band, Christmas comes in October.
When you're a choir director, Christmas comes in June. 
Or maybe July.  Or at the latest, August.  You've got to order.

So when you're not only a choir director but also a composer, and you're on summer break, or at least sort of on summer break, you clip videos and recordings and post them for the first time on youtube.  You reply to a question on choralnet, and hope they like your piece enough to buy it.  For all 100 choir members. 
Even 20 choir members would be exciting. 

{All self published, at this moment in time, like quite a few
composers do to get started these days.} 

Isn't it exciting?  I'm so proud of my husband for his talent and the way he uses it all for God's glory.  And I really like his music--fun, challenging, Biblical, beautiful. 
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


  1. Beautiful! Now it will be going through my head all evening! I was glad for the shot they got of Michael, obviously enjoying himself! :)

  2. Beautiful! Now it will be going through my head all evening! I was glad for the shot they got of Michael, obviously enjoying himself! :)

  3. Hope you got my last comment. By the way, I love your new profile picture!


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