08 December 2009

Frozen Flowers

{I very much wanted to post this with pictures, but could not find my camera to get the proper documentation. Simply use your imaginations!}

I received an e-mail this morning with these excellent words in it:

"When the mustard seed is cast into the ground, the tiny germ lays hold of every element that God has provided for its nutriment, and it speedily develops a sturdy growth. If you have faith like this, you will lay hold upon God’s word, and upon all the helpful agencies He has appointed. Thus your faith will strengthen, and will bring to your aid the power of heaven. The obstacles that are piled by Satan across your path, though apparently as insurmountable as the eternal hills, shall disappear before the demand of faith. 'Nothing shall be impossible unto you.'" Desire of Ages-431

What are the nutriments my faith is grasping hold of?

Giving thanks in all things, for this is God's will for me in Christ Jesus:
  • the prayers of a faithful beau
  • normal lab results from the doctor
  • stress (all things--God would not bid us be thankful for that which would do us harm)
  • lists
  • my new shower (still a blessing)
  • my job
  • friends' e-mails
  • the blessing of fellowship
  • the promise and gift of the Holy Spirit
  • this post, reminding me of my own reading a few days ago of John 16:20-22: http://www.aholyexperience.com/2009/12/its-part-of-receiving-gift.html
  • remembering that God's plans are the best plans
  • looking, with the eye of faith, to Jesus as my Shepherd, myself the helpless sheep, trusting myself to His care, always
  • exercise, even in the bitter cold
  • a quiet morning
  • friend's first grandbaby born early this morning
  • praying friends
  • frozen flowers, although left in the car too long in the cold, still bring cheer at the thought I was thought of
  • my hymnbook, propped up in the towell cupboard, easily viewed and sung from while my blow dryer joined the tunes


  1. Nice to see pots of flowers and greens along the steps. Enjoyed your blog very much.

  2. What a motley and cheerful collection of blessings from God! Thank you for sharing, Hildegarde.

    I was especially intrigued by your third entry. How strange and wonderful that God's children can rejoice even in trying circumstances! (Habakkuk 3:17-19 is a wonderful Scripture for meditation.) Yes, even these are blessings. After a particular season of despondency, I found myself thanking God for it; it had driven me back to his ams when happiness could not.

  3. Yes, Handmaiden, the stress in our lives can be difficult to thank God for. Yet I wildly hope to believe with my heart and not just my head that all things truly do work together for good. He always has carried me and blessed me before...why would He stop now?


Greetings, fellow climbers! Leave your marks on the steps--I'll be delighted to hear from you.