16 April 2008

Purple Tulips

My back "yard" is really a parking lot. I, however, cannot resist the edge of dirt along the fence. It's not the greatest soil there, so I do not plant vegetables, but last fall I did bury thirty purple tulip bulbs beneath the earth.
Two days ago, I noticed the first color in the first few buds. Will you believe me if I tell you I rejoiced over those few as much as I would rejoice over fields as flowerful as the one shown above? I have plans to pick a few this evening--one for my kitchen window, and maybe three for my dining room table.
My flowers remind me how God, our Father, rejoices over us with gladness, as well. (See Zephaniah 3:17.)

1 comment:

Greetings, fellow climbers! Leave your marks on the steps--I'll be delighted to hear from you.