31 October 2012

Happy Reformation Day

Yes, Reformation day.  No, I'm NOT into Halloween.  Not into ghosts hanging from trees in my yard, not into gobblins, not into scary costumes.  But I am definitely into what Martin Luther nailed to a door nearly five hundred years ago.

So have yourself a happy Reformation Day, and do something to draw nearer to your Savior.

23 October 2012

We Took a Trip

On our trip, we harvested our own garden.  Have you ever heard of taking a long trip to harvest your own garden?  I hadn't either.  But I was oh-so-thankful it was there to welcome me, with all its unexpected, giant herbs.

On our trip, we walked with friends.  It was Sabbath, after we had worshiped with friends.  It was glorious, it was soul-refreshing.
On our trip, we soaked in the rays of sun, leaning against a wall, petting a cat and a dog (one on either side). We prayed with friends, we talked with friends, we ate with friends, we read morning worship with friends.  Sometimes these friend-visits lasted late into the night, everyone remembering how far the distance between us, and longing for that even-farther trip to heaven, where we'll never part again.

17 October 2012

What I've Been Up To

 Hiking.  With my husband on Sabbaths.
 Hiking.  With my new friend on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
 Canning.  Attempting to finish the apple juice and
start the apple sauce after I get back from hiking.
 Enjoying the tree next door.  It's a flaming torch I can see 
from the bottom of our hill, from town, from the peak I hike to.
 Enjoying the scenery and socializing at our school's recent barn party.
And while these bikes still hang from their barn perch,
I have released a bird from the basement.
I'm still not sure how it got in the basement in the first place,
but he and I were equally happy when he flew 
out the door into the glorious fall sunshine.