02 December 2012

Sing We All of Christmas: Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow

An African American spiritual, this wonderfully cheerful tune recalls the exuberance with which the angels must have invited the shepherds to the scene of Christ's birth.  The text depicts the decision every disciple of Jesus makes:  laying down everything that keeps us away from the Savior to follow Him.  Because He is better than all the flocks and herds in the world.  He is indeed the pearl of great price.
There's a star in the east on Christmas morn.
Rise up, shepherd, and follow.
It will lead to the place where the Savior's born,
Rise up, shepherd, and follow.
Leave your sheep and leave your lambs,
Rise up, shepherd, and follow.
Leave your ewes and leave your rams,
Rise up, shepherd, and follow.
Follow, follow,
Rise up shepherd, and follow.
Follow the star of Bethlehem,
Rise up, shepherd, and follow.
If you take good heed to the angel's words,
Rise up, shepherd, and follow.
You'll forget your flocks, you'll forget your herds,
Rise up, shepherd, and follow.
Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal, 138, arranged by Alma Blackman.

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